As one of the most reliable and long-lasting methods for replacing missing teeth, your dentures should be able to sit perfectly atop your gum line so that you can enjoy your smile again. However, there are various reasons why they might become ill-fitting, which can bring about an array of complications if you don’t get them fixed. Keep reading to learn about five problems that can occur if your dentures don’t fit correctly.
Swelling, Soreness, & Discomfort
Your prosthetics should sit upon your gums and remain still so that they function like your natural teeth. If your dentures don’t fit properly, they can end up moving around and irritate your oral tissues. This can cause inflammation, discomfort, and soreness that can make you avoid wanting to wear your tooth replacements.
Difficulty Speaking
People typically need their teeth to enunciate words and sounds clearly. While dentures are meant to serve as your new smile, you can end up having trouble talking if they aren’t fitted correctly. Without getting them adjusted, holding simple conversations can prove quite difficult in the long run.
Trouble Eating
By getting custom dentures, most patients are typically able to enjoy regaining the majority of their natural biting power. Of course, this will only work if the prosthetics stay in place so that you can chew effectively. Having ill-fitting ones can cause you to have significant trouble while eating your meals, and you can end up with issues like malnutrition and indigestion.
TMJ Disorder
Sometimes the lower jaw will need to work significantly more to keep dentures in position if they aren’t able to fit your mouth properly. With this level of stress, you can end up developing a TMJ disorder, which can affect the joint connecting the jaw to your skull. If left unchecked, this can lead to facial discomfort, headaches, migraines, and other issues.
Oral Infection
Ill-fitting dentures can cause people to have uneven bites, which can more easily allow bacteria to accumulate in the mouth. Saliva can also begin to pool in the corners of your mouth, which can develop angular cheilitis—a condition where the skin near the mouth becomes red and irritated.
With all of the above complications, it’s important to seek help from your dentist as soon as you notice your prosthetics aren’t fitting correctly. If your dentures are loose or even become damaged, your dental team can readjust them or provide replacements. Once your dentist can address the underlying issue, you’ll be back to showing off your new and improved smile!
About the Practice
At Heart of Texas Smiles, our team strives to provide the personalized and long-lasting solutions patients need to enjoy great oral health. We offer natural-looking and durable tooth replacements, including dentures, designed to perfectly match the rest of your smile. If you’d like to know more about this treatment or wish to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call us at 254-848-0240.