This June is Men’s Health Month in Waco, the perfect time to learn how your mouth can impact your overall wellbeing. Certain oral issues are more commonly found in men, so knowing what to look out for can help you find and treat them before they turn into something more serious. Practicing preventive care could save you future headaches and hassle. Read on for some common oral health problems that you shouldn’t ignore! (more…)
June Is Men’s Health Month In Waco! Learn How Your Oral Health Impacts The Rest Of Your Body
June 27, 2019
Read These Healthy Start FAQs in Waco on Child Sleep Disorders!
March 3, 2019
Your child needs plenty of consistent and quality sleep as part of their early development. Interruptions in this sleep can cause severe complications for many aspects of their overall health. That’s why dentists recommend parents to not only learn about sleep disordered breathing (SDB), but read up on the most common questions on the condition. Thankfully, there’s a program designed to get them treated: Healthy Start™.
In today’s post, a dentist goes over a few of these Healthy Start FAQs in Waco to help your family stay informed!
Coping with Dry Socket after Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Waco
December 13, 2018
Are you among the 5 million people who had their wisdom teeth removed this year? Although it is commonly performed without any complications, one of the biggest risks to your recovery process involves a painful condition called dry socket. On average, 3% to 5% of people who have a tooth removed experience the problem. If it happens to you, there is no need to worry. There are several things you can do to cope with dry socket after wisdom teeth extraction in Waco.
Restore Your Oral Health with Dental Implants in Waco!
November 5, 2018
If you’re missing one or more of your teeth, then you’re left vulnerable to some serious problems happening that could have greater implications on your oral health. Thankfully, there is a way to prevent the pitfalls of prolonged tooth loss – with dental implants in Waco. As you continue reading, your implant dentist explains why they are so beneficial.
Delta Dental Dentist in Waco: Use Your Insurance or Lose It!
October 9, 2018
Many people don’t realize that dental benefits do not carry over into the next year. That means if you’re like the average person with an annual maximum of $1,250, but you’ve only used $323 worth of dental benefits, you’re leaving over $900 behind. To avoid leaving money on the table, it’s time to start going over the benefits you have now and get scheduled for a visit.
To learn some tips on maximizing your insurance, consider reading this blog post from a Delta Dental dentist in Waco.
Your Dentist Gives the Reasons for Dental Implant Failure in Waco
September 27, 2018
Life without the function and appearance of your teeth is tough. Not only do you miss out on many of your favorite treats, but you also endure decreased self-esteem, leaving you reluctant to smile for pictures and engage in conversations. But with dental implants, you’re able to get a fresh start on life. For them to last, though, requires that they be taken care of properly. Otherwise, the result will be dental implant failure in Waco. As you read on, your dentist explains the common causes so they can be prevented, and you can enjoy a totally restored smile.
Learn How a Full Mouth Reconstruction in Waco Can Help Your Smile!
June 4, 2018
Is your smile falling apart because of years of dental decay? Perhaps you sustained a traumatic injury that left your teeth broken and cracked. Maybe your smile was damaged since birth and you’re finally ready to make a transformation once and for all. With help from your Dr. Cobb and Dr. Lassetter, you can get a full mouth reconstruction in Waco!
So, what does this treatment entail? Turns out, it incorporates many different treatments and can vary based on your case. Here’s how your dentist can get you the smile of your dreams.
The Technology That Goes Into Dental Implants in Waco
May 4, 2018
Since placing dental implants in Waco requires patients to undergo oral surgery, your dentist does everything in his power to be as proactive as possible before beginning treatment. The more he knows about a specific case, the better prepared he’ll be when the time comes to enter gum tissue and place an implant. To do this, he makes use of a very specific machine known as the 3D cone beam imaging system.
Your dentist also takes advantage of CEREC, a technology that makes producing crowns easier and faster. Today, we’ll be going over both and learn how benefit patients seeking dental implants.
It’s a Hybrid: Dentures Supported by Dental Implants in Waco
April 14, 2018
Patients who are missing all or most of their teeth need a secure, natural-looking replacement option perhaps more than anyone else — but for many people, dental implants are prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, the hybrid denture offers a wonderful alternative to lengthy and high-cost traditional implant procedures. Keep reading to learn more about how dental implants in Waco can be used to support a hybrid implant denture, and how that can help you love your smile once again!
Your Caring Dentist in Waco is Accepting New Local Patients!
June 21, 2017
The Heart of Texas Smiles dental practice encourages new and returning patients alike to ask themselves a question: do you love your dentist? Or better yet, do you love taking care of your mouth as much as a great dentist like Dr. Theresa Lassetter does? Our dental practice is aware that the competition of other dental practices exists, especially with the influx of dental professionals contrasting the decrease of adult patients (economic reasons). Believe it or not, your dentist in Waco isn’t the slightest worried about that! Dr. Lassetter is more than confident in her set of advanced dental skills, her office teams excellent level of customer service, and our wide range of treatments and procedures to treat any patient. When asking yourself how you feel about your dentist, consider everything the Heart of Texas Smiles does to show you we genuinely care about maintaining your bright smile.