Heart of Texas Smiles General & Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

My Dental Crown Fell Out; What Should I Do Now?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 8:45 pm

Dentists have used dental crowns for centuries to restore compromised teeth to their original sizes and functions. Technology has only improved as time has gone by, leading to modern crowns being virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. However, crowns can come loose and fall out due to age, injury, or infection, and it’s important to schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist if this happens. Here are a few tips to help you stay comfortable until your appointment and achieve the best possible result from the ordeal.


Why Is a Black Line Forming Around My Dental Crown?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 11:56 pm
Woman tries to figure something out

Dental crowns are used to restore a tooth to its normal size, function, and appearance after extensive damage due to trauma, tooth decay, or a dental procedure like a root canal. While these restorations can be fantastic solutions to these injuries, some of them can begin to develop black lines around their edges as they age. This makes it obvious that the patient has undergone dental work and can make it harder for them to be proud of their smile. Here’s why that can happen and what you can do to prevent or fix it.


Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 4:56 pm

Dental insurance on computer screenWhen is the last time you’ve seen a dentist? If you’re among the 35% of adults who don’t visit a dentist regularly, you’re about to throw hundreds to thousands of dollars in the trash. Your dental insurance benefits expire at the end of the year. With your oral health and overall wellness closely entwined, don’t miss your opportunity to visit your dentist. Here’s how to maximize your coverage to achieve healthy teeth and gums without spending your life’s savings.


In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Dentist: Which is Best?

October 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 1:52 am

Dental insurance at a fingertipDid you know that 156 million Americans have dental insurance? However, less than 3% of adults meet or exceed their annual limits. Billions of dollars in unused dental insurance benefits are lost every year. You already pay for your coverage, so why not use it? Dental insurance is an investment in reduced costs for the services you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your first step to a healthier smile is choosing a dentist that accepts your policy. Here’s what you need to know to choose between an in-network and an out-of-network dentist.


Brace for Impact: Can I Get Braces a Second Time?

September 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 9:28 pm
Woman has braces

Braces have straightened teeth and realigned smiles for generations, but many people who wore them as teenagers find that their teeth have shifted in the years since their treatment. Fortunately, patients can almost always undergo a new round of braces to straighten things out and have their smiles looking great. Here’s what you should know about undergoing a second orthodontic treatment as an adult.


Brace for Relief: The Impact of Orthodontics on TMD

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 12:33 pm
A girl smiling, her braces finally providing TMD relief

For those who suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD), jaw pain, headaches, and discomfort are the norm. If you’ve looked through the internet for TMD causes, you’ve probably landed on misaligned teeth a few times. If that is the case, can braces be the solution you’ve been looking for?

Well, it depends. Continue reading to learn more about TMD and how braces or other dental treatments can help you finally be free from pain.


How to Protect Your Lips from the Sun

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 9:57 pm

Close up of woman’s lipsSummer is a great time to head outdoors to soak up some sunshine and warm temperatures. However, spending too much time outside can lead to painful sunburns. The summer heat can also affect your smile if you aren’t careful. Here are 3 tips to protect your lips from the sun.


Can You Whiten Bonded Teeth?

August 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 9:49 pm

Woman having in-office whitening treatmentDental bonding offers a lot of bang for your buck. It fixes many minor imperfections quickly using a minimally invasive method. It’s a popular cosmetic treatment because it is affordable, effective, and creates natural-looking results. However, the bonding material can change color over time, just like your teeth. If your pearly whites aren’t as bright as they used to be, don’t use teeth whitening products without consulting with your dentist. Here’s what you need to know about using teeth whitening on dental bonding.


Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out? Here’s What You Should Eat

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tnt_admin @ 12:40 pm
A charcuterie board with nutritious meat, olives, and soft bread

Tooth extraction is an intimidating, but routine procedure that you may have to go through for a number of reasons. Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common types of extraction that your dentist will perform in their career, so you’re not alone.

So, since you’re going to have the procedure done, how can you eat better to ensure a speedy recovery and avoid the dreaded dry socket? Let’s find out.


Celebrate National Align Your Teeth Day This Year!

July 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wacofamilyteam @ 6:37 am
a patient with braces giving a thumbs up

August 11th is National Align Your Teeth Day, a day championed by dentists, orthodontists, and all other professionals in the dental field. The primary goal of this holiday is to promote awareness about the need for proper dental alignment, as well as the benefits that patients gain access to when they opt for orthodontic treatment. With that in mind, here’s more about why you should desire to have a straight and healthy smile, along with a few ways that your trusted orthodontist can help you reach that goal!

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